SGV Technology Consulting Leader Warren R. Bituin (WRB) moderated a panel discussion during the 6th CyberSecAsia (CSA) webinar series titled The Modern Approach to Privileged Access Management last 5 November. Organized by Escom and sponsored by BeyondTrust, the webinar discussed the action steps that organizations can take to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. Engr. Jose Carlos Reyes, Director IV Cybersecurity Bureau of the Department of Information and Communications Technology, opened the session. WRB discussed the different security challenges caused by the pandemic – such as work-from-home arrangements, rapid digital platform adoption and third-party provider engagements – and how organizations can build a robust cybersecurity posture. Members of the panel highlighted the need to strengthen identity and access management, especially in controlling the use of privileged or administrator-level accounts. They also encouraged organizations to shift the focus of their cybersecurity roadmaps to proactively secure emerging technologies such as operational technology and the internet of things.
Tax Partners Cheryl C. Ong (CCO), Czarina R. Miranda (CRM) and Josenilo G. Mendoza (JGM), and Tax Principal Victor C. de Dios (VCD) were among the speakers at the Taxation and Governance for Exporters Review (TIGER) Course held on 26 November to 9 December. Hosted by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), the course discussed the various tax compliance requirements for PEZA locator companies and ecozone developers. CCO delivered the opening remarks and highlighted the importance of tax compliance and awareness in nation building. In her keynote speech, PEZA Director General Charito Plaza encouraged participants to learn how relevant tax incentives and corporate taxation can strengthen their respective organizations. “Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, PEZA continues to take initiatives to assist existing and even future enterprises in ecozones nationwide. As we approach year-end of 2020, we believe that it is crucial to conduct training on webinar platforms so that education and learning about PEZA’s tax incentives and corporate taxation continues to help businesses,” said PEZA Director General Plaza. VCD began the session on 3 December with a discussion on the customs-related issuances and rules on importations. He then spoke on free zones and customs territories and the tax implications of imports and exports. He also provided updates on Bureau of Customs (BOC) issuances and the Bayanihan 2 Law. CCO provided an overview of fiscal incentives for exporters and explained the existing incentives for enterprises registered with the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) in the Philippines, including PEZA. She then discussed the CREATE bill, highlighting its salient features and the impact of the recent Senate deliberations held last November. CRM led a session on the taxation of foreign nationals and regulatory compliance requirements. She explained the income tax or withholding tax implications on compensation and benefits provided to foreign expatriates, including related updates as well as reporting requirements of various government agencies for companies with foreign employees. JGM provided a comprehensive discussion on year-end tax requirements and procedures. He spoke on potential issues in the preparation of different year-end tax filing and administrative requirements covering majority of the tax types, as well as the evaluation of year-end adjustments and reconciling items in computing current income tax expenses. CCO led the session’s organizing committee assisted by her team of managers and senior associates. To watch the sessions, please visit https://tinyurl.com/PEZATIGERCourse.
Tax Partner Hentje Leo L. Leaño (LLL) was a speaker at the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants-Southville International School and Colleges (JPIA–SISC Chapter) conference on 4 December. Over 60 participants attended the event, including SISC School of Accountancy Chairperson Dr. Henly S. Pahilagao, SISC faculty and accountancy students. JPIA-SISC Chapter President Aira Jaimee Gonzales moderated the session. With the theme, CPAs in Public Practice: Opportunities and Challenges, LLL spoke on his professional journey as an SGV Partner and his career in public practice. He also provided insights on the possible challenges and opportunities CPAs may face in the future beyond the pandemic.
SGV was the official tabulator of the Miss Earth 2020 pageant aired last 29 November. Market Group 2 Partners Ramon D. Dizon (RDD) and Mariecris N. Barbaso (MNB) led the tabulation team and conducted an independent tabulation of scores cast by the judges. Completing the team were Assurance Senior Manager Crystal Aleli Cornell; Manager Julius Ceasar Mercado; Senior Associates Angelu Daphne Villanueva and Jenylyn Rizardo; and Associates Arkangela Jerusha Tobes, Bryan Christopher Torres and Reynaldo Angelo Fecundo. Miss Earth is an environmental advocacy-driven beauty pageant where candidates promote the preservation and protection of Mother Earth. Celebrating its 20th year, Miss Earth 2020 is the first international environmental pageant to hold a virtual coronation ceremony during the COVID-19 pandemic.