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The SGV Tax team led by EY Asean Tax Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness (DE&I) Lead Victor C. De Dios (VCD), together with Indirect Tax (IDT) Senior Director Atty. Alden Patrick C. Labaguis, was represented by IDT Senior Associate Atty. Andrea Nicole Loreno in SPARK! Philippines’ #RightsforAllRightsforEquality human rights forum on 9 December 2022 at the Ateneo Law School, Rockwell Center in Makati City. Atty. Nicole with SPARK! Philippines President Imelda Nicolas and Executive Director Maica Teves, and International Association for Human Values Foundation (IAHV Philippines) Director Suzanne Faelnar at the forum U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay L. Carlson gave the opening remarks, followed by Makati City Mayor Abigail Binay who delivered the keynote address. Panelists Ann Dumaliang, Kaye Brier, Princess Jacel Kiram, and Police Lieutenant Colonel Mary Grace Riego Madayag tackled topics on women’s involvement in environmental advocacy and climate change, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, the participation of women in the peace process, and violence against all genders during the panel discussion. Former Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights Karen Lucia Gomez-Dumpit served as the moderator. Atty. Nicole asked the panelists to share their insights on how to advocate for diversity, inclusivity, and equality (DE&I) in workplaces during the Q&A session. The panelists shared their firsthand experiences, suggestions on how to raise awareness, and examples of their own programs that could help further develop the participants’ own DE&I programs. Author of gender-responsive ordinances and gender equality advocate Mayen Juico delivered the discussion synthesis. SPARK! Philippines President Imelda Nicolas gave the closing remarks. The #RightsforAllRightsforEquality human rights forum aimed to raise awareness on how the advancement and security of respecting human rights for all is forging mechanisms and tools which contribute to gender equality.
SGV International Tax and Transaction Services (ITTS) Partner Atty. Auresana “Rhena” B. Ines (ABI) and Indirect Tax (IDT) Senior Director Atty. Jo Ann Marie O. Casio were speakers in the Q4 General Membership Meeting organized by the Association of Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (SEIPI) Finance Executives (ASEFEX) on 22 December 2022. Event poster Atty. Jo Ann opened the session with a discussion on VAT and Customs updates. She highlighted the BIR and Customs issuances from October 2022 to December 2022 such as the guidelines for the proper income tax treatment of equity-based compensation and the extension of work-from-home (WFH) arrangements for Registered Business Enterprises (RBEs) in the Information Technology Business Process Management (IT-BPM) Sector. She presented clarifications issued by the Office of the Commissioner of Customs regarding the posting of bonds for the RBEs in IT-BPM in connection with the WFH arrangement.  Atty. Rhena discussed Transfer Pricing updates and emphasized the two-tiered transfer pricing requirements for submission of BIR Form 1709 and preparation of transfer pricing documentation. In discussing recent compliance and audit developments, she talked about matters relating to the preparation and submission of documents provided for in Revenue Audit Memorandum Order No. 1-2019, which includes, among others, the Functions, Assets, and Risks Analysis. Atty. Rhena, along with Atty. Jo Ann, addressed questions and requests for clarifications from the participants in the open forum. About 90 ASEFEX members, including SEIPI partners and stakeholders attended the event. Logistics Market Sector Leader and Tax Principal Stephanie V. Nava (SVN) and Technology Market Sector Leader and Assurance Partner Manolito R. Elle (MRE) coordinated participation in the virtual meeting. Indirect Tax (IDT) Senior Director Atty. Alden Patrick C. Labaguis, Associate Director Atty. Dawna Fya O. Bandiola and Senior Associate Kierk Robin M. Ret were part of the SGV organizing team.
SGV served as the Technical Adviser for the 1st Manila Bulletin (MB) Sustainability Forum: Beyond Green held in November 2022. The event recognized the Sustainability programs or initiatives from different companies and one government agency. Event poster SGV’s Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team provided sustainability advisory support to Manila Bulletin in terms of the development of MB’s qualitative assessment checklist for its selection of sustainability programs and initiatives of companies to be recognized. The team also provided comments and suggestions on the checklist prepared by MB for its qualitative assessment of sustainability programs and/or initiatives recognized in the MB Sustainability Honors List 2022.  Benjamin with MB Publishing Corporation President Dr. Emilio “Emil” Yap III Diana and Benjamin with MB Business Development Manager Jordan Tan and MB sales consultant and columnist Philip Cu-Unjieng SGV was represented by SGV Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) and CCaSS Partner Benjamin N. Villacorte (BNV) and CCaSS Director Diana Sadili-Chu in MB’s special recognition event at the City of Dreams Manila on 24 November. The recognition night honored companies and institutions that have been selected by MB for their contribution towards making a sustainable Philippines a reality. Benjamin with Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco The MB Sustainability Honors List 2022 is an initiative by MB to bring forward conversations about sustainability, with the ultimate goal to become a platform that raises awareness about sustainability in the country.
The Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team hosted the second episode of the SGV SAVE Council's WebCCaSS for FY23 on 25 November 2022. The session, titled "Beyond Consumerism: Building a Circular Economy through Stewardship," aimed to educate SGVeans on what a circular economy is and how it can change the current linear economic model. The presenters also gave a brief overview of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Act of 2022 and discussed how it can address and help solve the country’s plastic pollution problem. 640 participants attended the session. The CCaSS team talks about a circular economy Business Consulting and CCaSS Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz (CMA) kicked off the session with his opening remarks. CCaSS Associates Michelle Joan C. Ferrer and Dawn Louise G. Lim and CCaSS Manager Carla J. Capistrano discussed the current plastic problem, circular economy principles, the EPR Act of 2022, and local and global circular economy practices. SGVeans answer how they could help contribute to a circular economy To keep the participants engaged in the discussions, CCaSS Senior Associate Keith S. Celebre handled a series of interactive activities, asking the audience which circular practices they should choose in their daily-life scenarios and how they can establish a new habit in their daily lives to contribute to achieving a circular economy. The session concluded with a Declaration for Call-to-Action called “A Plan Towards A Responsible Action” that aims to lead individuals to take a step towards responsible waste management. 117 SGVeans expressed their commitment to this endeavor. Carla also thanked the organizers and participants and encouraged them to practice circular economy habits.  The SAVE Council’s WebCCaSS initiative is a quarterly one-hour webcast that covers concepts, trends, regulations, and industry practices around sustainability and climate change.
SGV Davao held its first in-person alumni cocktails event in over two years since the pandemic began. The event was held at the new SGV Davao office on 12 December 2022. Over 70 SGV Davao alumni attended the event. SGV Partners and Leaders with SGV Davao Alumni SGV Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan (WPT) welcomed everyone to the event and the new SGV Davao office. He gave a recap of the Davao office’s accomplishments over the past two years, and he shared how glad he was to have the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues as the country recovers from the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. SGV Tax Leader Fabian K. delos Santos (FKS) and Market Group 4 Leader Veronica R. Pore (VRP) delivered their respective messages before the toast led by SGV Davao Partner-in-charge Jose Raoul J. Balisalisa (JJB), to the deep friendship and professional relationship between SGV Davao and its Alumni. Alumni were also given a brief guided tour of the new office. Other partners who were present during the cocktails were Jhoanna Feliza C. Go (JCG), Alvin M. Pinpin (AMP), Saha A. Bulagsak (SAB), and Thyrza F. Marbas (TFM). SGV Global Compliance and Reporting (GCR) Associate Anne Eiko Gizelle C. Lumbayon was the emcee for the event while Assurance Senior Manager Dexter Allan Noel N. Madamba led the opening prayer. The SGV Davao Stellars also gave a dance performance during the event.
SGV Global Compliance and Reporting (GCR) Senior Manager Meynard L. Sardalla received the EY Asia-Pacific Tax Award under the Exceptional Talent category during the EY Asia-Pacific Executive Tax Update held on 1 and 2 December 2022.  Exceptional Talent awardee Meynard L. Sardalla The Exceptional Talent Award is given to exceptional individuals who demonstrate inclusive leadership and embody the EY Purpose and values. The selection process for the awards began with nominations which were assessed by an Asia-Pacific Tax jury. The winners were announced as part of the opening plenary of the Asia-Pacific Executive Tax Update on 1 December. Meynard has spearheaded various initiatives to foster diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, promote work-life integration and professional development, and empower and inspire others. The APAC Tax Awards - Celebrating You, Inspiring Others is the APAC Tax campaign to celebrate behaviors and contributions of individuals and teams that have made a substantial difference in various aspects. The event was attended by Tax Executives from EY member firms in the Asia-Pacific Region. Congratulations, Meynard!
SGV Financial Services Organization (FSO) Partner Veronica Mae Arce Balisi (VAB) was a resource speaker at the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) Anti Money Laundering (AML) webinar held on 2 December 2022 via Zoom. SGV sponsored the webinar. Event poster Veronica was joined by FINEX Professional Development Committee Chairman Editha V. Estacio (EVE), who delivered the welcome remarks and was part of the organizing team. Anti-Money Laundering Council Executive Director Atty. Matthew M. David was the keynote speaker. Veronica talked about AML and how the Philippines can get out of the grey list. She said that building a strong AML culture would enhance compliance, reduce regulatory risks, and improve AML efficiency. She added that it is also important to hold people accountable for the compliance framework.   Veronica talks about fighting money laundering Veronica shared five key takeaways during the session: 1. Covered institutions should be more involved in conducting institutional risk assessments (IRAs) to determine appropriate mitigating controls and identify heightened or emerging risks; 2. Know-your-client (KYC) and customer due diligence (CDD) should be linked with the transaction monitoring exercise; 3. AML/CTPF programs should not be seen as merely a compliance matter; instead, covered institutions should harness their benefits to have a better understanding of their customers and recognize that a good AML/CTPF risk management framework creates a good brand and reputation for the company; 4. Financial institutions and law enforcement agencies alike don’t just need new technology — they need to adopt a new way of working; and 5. Building a strong AML culture will enhance compliance, reduce regulatory risk, and improve efficiency in AML/CTPF.  She concluded her talk by encouraging the attendees to fight money laundering, which may also be related to online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC), prostitution, human trafficking, and drug dealing. She said that one should not compromise one’s profession, firm, or company by accepting clients that may be involved in money laundering. Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) Philippine Chapter Co-Chairman Atty. Karla Denise Frias led the panel discussion and the webinar concluded with a message from FINEX Professional Development Committee (PDC) Co-Chair Paul San Pedro. PDC Liaison Director Ronald Luis Goseco served as the Master of Ceremonies.
SGV Partners Jose Pepito “Pepz” E. Zabat (JEZ), Hentje Leo L. Leaño (LLL), Eleanore A. Layug (EAL), and Alexis C. Zaragoza (ACZ), SGV Senior Policy Adviser Ambassador and DIWATA Chairman Delia Domingo Albert (DDA), and Market Group (MG) 7 Senior Managers Marc Bonnie Wong, Marco Rene Barredo, Leo Niño Canlas, and Juan Gabriel Ma. Cagampan participated in the 68th Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference (ANMSEC) held from 15 to 18 November 2022 at the CAP–John Hay Trade and Cultural Center.  Leo, Aris, Delia, Eleanore, and Pepz with former SGV Partner Jaime F. del Rosario, DIWATA Founding President Atty. Patricia A. O. Bunye, Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association (PMSEA) President Luis R. Sarmiento, ASEAN Eng., and other ANMSEC participants The conference featured mine safety field demonstrations and competitions and mining, metallurgical, geological, and environmental symposia. The safest mines and the best mining personalities/professionals were also recognized during the event.  Eleanore, Pepz, and Delia with former SGV Partner Jaime F. del Rosario and other DIWATA members In one symposium during the conference, DIWATA Chairman DDA and DIWATA President EAL led the launch of the DIWATA Awards. The Awards will recognize outstanding social development and management programs of companies belonging to the Philippine minerals industry. DIWATA – Women in Resource Development Inc. is an NGO advocating for the responsible development of the Philippines’ wealth of resources in the fields of mining, oil and gas, quarrying, and other mineral resources. Pepz, Eleanore, Delia, and Aris with former SGV Partner Jaime F. del Rosario and other ANMSEC attendees Representatives from mining companies, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and its attached bureaus and agencies, and other Philippine mining industry stakeholders (students, teachers, professional organizations, etc.) attended the event.
SGV’s Consulting Team joined the 5th annual summit organized by the Business Continuity Managers Association of the Philippines (BCMAP) titled “Resiliency and Sustainability: Our Path to the Future.” The summit featured sessions on how organizations can navigate their future by embracing resiliency and sustainability in their portfolios and programs. It was held from 1 to 2 December 2022.  Alvin presenting at the BCMAP Summit Senior Director Alvin G. Manuel talked about cyber response and resiliency in the Philippine context on the first day of the Summit. He discussed how organizations can use cyber resiliency principles to manage and respond to complex disruptions.  Judd and Sheena presenting at the BCMAP Summit Associate Directors Judd P. Tablazon and Sheena E. Borlaza talked about decarbonization towards a climate-resilient and sustainable future. They discussed the current landscape of climate change in the Philippines, as well as the role of Business Continuity Managers and Risk Managers in approaching the response to manage climate change and implement decarbonization. CCaSS team members Paula Cecilia Camille Rodriguez and Gregory Ryan Tan assisted in preparing the materials for the talk on sustainability and decarbonization.  Consulting Associate Director Jay S. Yabes served as a panelist for the second day. In the members’ meeting held after the summit, Alvin and Jay were also elected as Directors of the BCMAP for 2023. BCMAP is a non-profit organization established to promote best practices and standards for business continuity and disaster recovery.
SGV Business Consulting Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz (CMA) and Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Director Diana Sadili-Chu conducted an online webinar on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting titled “Sustainability and Integrated Reporting: Leading Beyond the Numbers” on 18 November 2022. The webinar was organized by members of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) in Doha, Qatar.  Conrad and Diana receive their Certificates of Appreciation Conrad and Diana talked about creating long-term value with sustainability, sustainability reporting and assurance, global developments and the regulatory landscape for sustainability reporting, and how accountants can lead on sustainability and climate action. They also encouraged the attendees to participate in the webinar through interactive polling questions.