SGV celebrates Environment Month with Sustainabits session on e-waste

The Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team closed FY23 by observing Philippine Environment Month through a Sustainabits session on e-waste. The session, entitled “Reduce, Reuse, E-Cyle: E-waste management and handling” aimed to advance the audience’s knowledge on Circular Economy by tackling the fastest growing yet valuable waste stream of electronic waste.



CCaSS team (right) during the Sustainabits session


Business Consulting and CCaSS Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz welcomed more than 200 attendees and reiterated the importance of contributing to a circular economy by being mindful of e-waste. He urged the audience to share their knowledge with their communities to create a greater impact on the environment.


CCaSS Manager Carla Capistrano, Senior Associate KC Corpus, and Associate Marianne Velasco continued the session with their respective discussions. Marianne talked about the definition of e-waste, the types of e-waste and the problem with its over-production versus its low collection rates. Carla then talked about the Tokyo 2020 Medal Project as a case study of e-waste management and recovery of precious metals. KC discussed local e-waste initiatives and urged everyone to practice proper e-waste management through reducing, reusing, and recycling. These include maintaining electronics, re-evaluating purchases, buying used gadgets, and recycling or disposing of them properly by their end-of-life. The session was capped off with a call for the audience’s re-commitment toward responsible action for proper waste management, building on a prior CCaSS session on Circular Economy.


The SAVE Council’s Sustainabits initiative is a series of half-hour webcasts covering ideas, movements, principles, and leading industry practices regarding sustainability, social equity, and climate change. 

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