Alumni Partners attend virtual Executive Briefing 

Alumni Partners attend virtual Executive Briefing 

SGV hosted an executive briefing for its Alumni Partners last 25 September. The briefing focused on the challenges that businesses continue to face during the pandemic. Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson Tan delivered the opening remarks and emphasized that organizations should reshape their businesses to prepare for a world beyond the pandemic.  

Speakers and participants at the Executive Briefing 

SGV Strategy and Transactions Consultant Alex Dacanay began the session with an overview of the Philippine economy. He discussed the pandemic’s impact on businesses and consumer spending. He also provided an overview of the government’s programs and issuances aimed at strengthening health services and supporting low-income communities.  

SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo (RAF) discussed the pandemic’s future impact across four domains: the global order, societies and economies, firms and markets, and households and individuals. She explained how the pandemic will affect globalization, urban landscapes, talent management, and individual lifestyles. She also emphasized the value of digital transformation to drive innovation and growth within an organization. RAF also presented principles that business leaders can follow to guide their organization through and beyond the pandemic. 

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